Saturday, November 17, 2012

Is It the End or Only the Beginning?

I cannot wait to get to know all the site and application better. My favorite discover of the 23 things was probably Skydrive because of its online storage capabilities. I think that the program has changed my life very much. Now, I am more organized thing to my new home page 30box. I will definitely keep using most of the applications I discovered in the earlier post because they are great resources for teacher candidates. If I could of change anything about the 23 things, I would change the order they come it, I think that the mind map and the organization application and site could of be helpful for teacher candidates. I wish I had known about my 30box before starting the 23 things then I could have planned out my work schedule and have access to it every time I open my browsers. The things I post and learned about are always going to be and the back of my had and I will definitely use them when I teach when the time is fit. I think getting to know the websites and continuing on exploring them individual will help my development in web 2.0. Continuing on staying connected with social networks like Facebook and TeacherPop will keep me in the loop in web 2.0. also by doing this I will be reinforced with hopefully more applications and sites that will further develop my web 2.0. knowledge.

Thing 23

First, I thought the YouTube create common video was awesome! I my understand creative common and citing information are similar. Give credit where credit is do. If you see idea or something you cannot  or change or use it in anyway without the person consent. I found that according the small paragraph at the bottom of the 23 Things class blog, page the Things was adapted by an the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers. By being aware of the creative commons teachers can make Powerpoints, study guides, and worksheet based of others' restrictions. They can also make there own Powerpoints, study guides, and worksheet and post them online with restriction of there own.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thing 22

I think website like Livebinder are great! While I did not understand what it exactly was after reading the blog, I realized what it was. Like I said in Thing 13, a secure place to store information is great. I personally prefer The Skydrive because you can download that unto the desktop but Livebinder is okay as well. I like its tab function that lets you excess it anytime if it is installed. I also like that you can keep it organized by tagging words to it. The creating of the benders was both easy and fun. I just took a few websites from documents from my Skydrive and uploaded them onto Livebinder. The websites are site with art website games based on artists. Livebinder can be use be used in a class from like a studied guide, a image guide, Powerpoint, and note. I definitely think it could be an awesome template for writing a journal.

Link here

Thing 19

Like I said in Thing 18, social networking is very important for teachers. I do have a Facebook account, Twitter, MySpace, Deviantart account, upload pictures to two wikias, and Now I am apart of TeacherPop. With websites like TeacherPop member ship is exclusive because there is a common interest. I know it is important for teacher to network with their colleagues because they are like minded individuals.  I choose to join teacher pop because of its name. I thought that the teacher candidates her could catch my attention like the title did. I was not surprise to find other teacher candidates from my Instruction to Technologies class. It looks like they have all settle in and now I am ready to do the same. I cannot wait to start interacting with the other teacher candidates. I have all ready posted a reply to Jeremy, who had the same professor I currently have, and have read posts from my fellow classmates Alexis and Jordan. I suspect that this website is similar to Facebook and MySpace but I will have to explore it thoroughly to decided what I dislike about it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thing 21

I enjoy my my video I had now idea that it was gonna turn out like it did. i thought i was gonna be a basic slide show. The music really did help make the slide show seem more captivating. While Animoto's videos look great visual, I just wish it was free. I was all on bored with making it longer until it said I had to upgrade to make it long. While i have played around with a lol of video maker sites out the I have never seen one like this and I think i definitely worth the upgrading so I will definitely visit this site again one day.

Thing 20 oops! Out of order now

I choose the youtube video Modern Masters: Henri Matisse - Documentary - Modern Art, Artist because I recently did a unit on Henri Matisse. I think students especially young one like learning and doing Henri Matisse art activities. Even though, this video is long, one can play the Yotube  videos in segments. All one have to do is decide the time length one wants the video to play, and it will play at that time length. It simple as tying 2:00 and it will play from two minutes into the video. I think a teacher could til utilize it by playing it in a clip. During my observation in my Art Education 3040, my mentor teacher played videos from youtube all the time and even taught me how to put videos into PowerPoints. She told me that she did this because some of the Youtube searches can lead you to inappropriate content.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thing 18

Link to my Facebook here

I have this thing in the bag. I have a twitter, a facebook, and myspace page. While do not visit them as much as others do, they are used for communication with the clubs I belong to on campus such as The Student Art League (formerly), the NAEA and now I can keep of with APSU College of Education's Facebook page. It is essential that educators know how social networking work because it is a way of communicating that is revolutionary to the new generation. Furthermore, it is a way for teachers to understand what I happening around them. Everything such as politics and discoveries is talked about on social networks. Teachers are  to be an example and should know what is happening around them. I do not dislike anything about either facebook or twitter. I enjoy both I like twitter more because everyone uses it and it has the most useful features. I can certainly see twitter in the classroom. In fact, one of my first assignment in my Communications class was to create a twitter account and respond to contemporary issues facing the world. I also think when teacher do introduce these social networks into their class room they should monitor student to make sure they are  for only education purposes.

Thing 17

This thing was not as compelling for me. I get how relevant bookmarking is, and I have over one hundred sites bookmarked on my Firefox browser, but I do not see this as useful to me. I am currently using Diigo, and I think it is even more complicated to use than the bookmark on my browser. I do understand how the social networking thing can allow others to check out one another bookmarks to compare them. I also did enjoy the mustache joke in the tutorial, but I just do not take my bookmarking that serious as of yet. However, this can change somewhere along the future, but for now, I will just continue using Diigo and the bookmarking provided by my browser. That also do not mean I cannot see the potential of this tool in the classroom. I have been reading some of the things that the other student been posting, and Taylor Engel had an idea in which she thought teachers could use this site. She said, "[t]eachers could take advantage of social bookmarking sites by putting there ideas out there for other people to use in their classroom." She also said, "[i]t is also a good way for teachers to keep their classrooms current." I totally agree with her; sometimes teachers might have trouble with keeping things current. So If, I was to use Delicious it would be for that reason only, but not for actually bookmarking websites.

Thing 16

So many application so little time; man, I wish I had not procrastinated on some of these 23 things. They could of came in handy for me this semester. I am a naturally unorganized person; I do not know how I even keep track of my own art supplies. I love the online calendar such as Backpack  that comes with to do lists. I wish I had discovered it sooner. I often keep track of things I have to do with a program called sticky note, which is essentially a sticky note you can put on your computer screen. They are effective, but they are also annoying to look at, so I often delete when I see them. Did like MyStickies from the Top Ten Productivity Web Sites list. It is similar to the Application I downloaded; I just wish the sticky notes were smaller.

For My start up page, I choose to use 30boxes because I have been using many of the Google applications enough already and I want to look at a new website. As soon as I signed in, I was impressed with the site. It allows users to connect  to their blogs, Facebook, weather feeds, Flickr account, and their myspace. I ended up enjoy using it because it was easy to use.  I filled up my calendar for the remain Nomeveber month, and I will continue to use this application. I will also to continue to use this sites at my homepage.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thing 15

This is actually my biggest hobby! I love wikis. I am an administrator for two wikias.(Bout to turn into a geek, but I do not care) I have been apart of Naruto.wikia. page for coming up on a year now. I While I find some of our wikia page more help than others some can be pointless. However, do like working on this wiki because I am an absolute Naruto fanatic. My job on this wiki is not that important, but I do have fun with it. I am an all-round editor there.  I consider the wiki I am apart of as the Sandboxes. I feel that wikia can be great for education or even for my case fun. As long as the interest is there, students can actively participate in contributing to wiki and wiki discussion. for educator they must step up if they want student to do wikis, because it may look like it is all fun and games but it is not. The have to be some to monitor students activity, and again it can become time consuming while both reward for students. While I would not particularly make an art wiki for students, because I imagine the interest level would not be as high, I think all the non-specials class called utilize them. Think of an interactive wiki for student where they can upload and edit their own pages for their favorite animal for science or countries for history. Like the apsu wiki, I think students would love and benefit in seeing what other students find and write about.

Thing 14

I enjoy using the mind map. It was difficult to understand at first, but once I start reading what key it told me to push it became extremely easy, and fun to use. I think this tool would be perfect for time line projects. I had a timeline project recently in my art history class, and I  wish I knew about this tool before id did on posterboard. Students will find this easy to use because the mind trap talks you through the process and all the edit button like undo and print are all in a row.  I particularly favored the flowchart at It has more option then the others tools. It allows users to make not only flow charts but also floorplans, diagrams, and charts. However, I did have trouble and avoided all the technical lingo on the site. Perhaps this website would be more age appropriate for high school and college students and the would be better for middle schoolers.

Thing 13

I enjoy using word processors especially when they are free. Some of the word processor available out there like Microsoft are expensive, so they are not practical for students to have access to outside of school. These programs and other like them are convenient for students. I particularly like the Zoho Writer because it has many features, which can be used for group projects. It has a chat feature for its user, an option to create groups, join its blog, and read discussions on its forum are all some that I think could be used between student outside of school when assigned group projects. Students chat and discuss their project with one another and even start groups on Zoho Writer. For writing projects that  students work in groups, I would have them use Zoho Writer.

While do prefer Zoho Writer over Google Docs, Google Docs is unique in its own. It amazes me how Google has revolutionized the internet with its features; image browser, search engine, gmail, news feed, and probably apparently more, which I have yet to discover. Now there is Google Docs I enjoyed making my little picture below with its drawing tool.  One thing I like most about both of these programs though is their ability to store and download documents. Ever since I have learned about Skydrive during my 23 Things I have been using it. Having a secure website to store information it is a tremendous deal sometimes.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing 12

Yes google is not just a search engine anymore you connect to Youtube, Twitter, and even listen to music write in the address bar. While prefer Bing over it, Google does has more to offer. The most helpful one I have used this semester is Google Translate, because it translate many different language. Think this would be help in Art classrooms because many works of arts are in foreign languages and this is a website that can not only help the teacher pronounce the different words but also the students. This is done by just simply typing i the word then clicking the icon that looks like a volume icon. It will repeat the word back to you when you click it. Also teachers can easily translate documents for students who's parent does not read in English well so this will help bridge the gap.

here a screen capture of my creation on Google translate

Click to enlarge

Thing #11

I kind got a heads up on this on the last post. So anyways, Continuing on RSS feeds which i posted for thing 11 I mainly used Again here are the list of feeds i found on Bing -Art lessons for kids, Best Children's Games Blog, Mrs. Picasso’s Art Room, The Art Teacher’s Guide to the Internet, and Art Biz Blog. Bing is search engine is very easy to use and it always yields results. was a webisite in which i have used in the past so it was easy to use as well. for the record Many of the sites were not difficult to use. I took Google News

Thing 10

  RSS seems pretty new to me still. I have an idea about how it works now, but I still prefer using the bookmark on my computer tab or better yet diigo. Yes, even though it takes long, and sometimes I may waste time by doing it this way, it's just the way I am most comfortable. Besides, the RSS feed way would be too much for me to handle, because I follow many blogs, news sites, and other miscellaneous sites, which get updated frequently. Even so, for this post there was something that sparked my interest. I listed the links (a link in each letter) from the instruction to have as a jumping-off point. The pages that I chose to put into my RSS are Art lessons for kids, Best Children's Games Blog, Mrs. Picasso’s Art Room, The Art Teacher’s Guide to the Internet, and Art Biz Blog. Again, I do not like that RSS, and newsreaders is all in one place. Sometime I enjoy going to the website, so I can see the actually design or changes on the page. Then again, since I have created this account I will try to remember to use it rather than use the long difficult way I have been using. It is a easy website to use. Like many of the Learn 2.0 sites, RSS will be a good tool for students. It might want have much use in Specials like Music and Art but in the main subjects like Science, History, and Reading it would have potential.

Thing 9

Thing number give me some freedom for my post. I choose to do a few things. From  this sit has a lot of things students can play with or use for assignments. It allows student to create custom graphics and the best part of all it free! Over thousand of JPEG, GIF & PNG image creators (you can make FREE logos, blog headers, parody photos, buttons, banners, email sigs, comics, signs, blinkies/glitters, avatars, support ribbons, wallpapers, labels, celeb spoofs, animations, and MySpace/TagWorld clipart (thought its block in some schools).

He are some of my creations and links to were you can make some for yourself.

Students can make there own costum logos for their school, fb, blog, powerpoint, or other projects.

Student can custome make their own football jerseys.


Thing 8

For thing number i choose to do the spook camera from the link. I thought it was appropriate because Halloween is just around the corner. This particular app is for the iPhone and it allow people to give their photos a spooky effect by adding ghost, bats, punkins and other Halloween graphic. these graphics are not to scary for children so it can deffinatly be used in a school setting. You can use for the Halloween/October season to decorate picture on you blog or to spookiness your on personal picture for fun. I differently believe student will enjoy utilizing the spook camera.

 here is the link
Also the site does not just have Halloween graphics.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thing #7

Flickr is a interesting site, but not entirely new to me. I do not have a flickr account but I have explored the site before. As an artist I always am looking for inspiration, and sometime Flickr inspires me to create. Even though, I can literally spend hours looking up different images and groups. I try not to visit it because its has many nice images and you cant save them to the desktop. However, when I do I always enjoy looking the myriad of galleries. For this post I went to emmeffe's account and looked at his galleries. apparently he is a photography and travels a lot. He has been to Australia and South America, He has many gallerias. He takes pictures of architecture and wildlife. I personally was more attracted to his wildlife galleries. Besides this, he admires art and enjoys literature. Many of his pictures are in fact works of art, Many people from around the world comment on his animal galleries because he capture exotic ones that one rarely see.

Here is a picture link of the pictures from Australia in his wildlife galleries.

I love how crisp the images looks. While I probably will never see a kangaroo ever in my life, the clearness and precise of this image looks real and in person enough for me. Truly an odd beautify looking creature the kangaroo is. One of my favorite animals as a kid. 
For a school setting Flickr has so much potential as a resource. Student and faculty in a school can search thousand of different subject like animal, plants, art, history, and many much more. A great jumping off place for student who are looking for images for projects. For a specific inspiring art teacher, Flickr can be used a resource for student to practice drawing material. As i said earlier i use to get inspiration, so perhaps students could do the same.

Chillin Kangaroo Style

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thing 6

For this post, I choose Windows Skydrive from the list of Web 2.0 Awards nominees list. This site is an internet file storage. I thought this was a great site because it allows people to access their files from any computer. No longer will they have to manage their files one single cpu.they users save their files are by uploading them from the computer they wish to do so. When you upload your files, Skydrive organizes the files based on the file type, name, date which helps keep them organized. Furthermore, if that not enough one can also separate file by creating a folder. When i made my account, I created eight new folder and named them for each of the standards from k-12 in art education. One can also see on the left hand-side, there is a menu that lists other options. One of the options that I thought was excellent was the recent file because it allows you to go back to the most-recent file you upload or was working on in Skydrive. You can also create groups and share files along with others in your group, which can be very hand for collaboration projects. I think Sykdrive would be a great website to you in a classroom or library. Instead of students saving information to emails and flash drives which often malfunction and creates viruses, they can use Skydrive free. Still I would probably only limit this to students in middle school beyond because of some of the navigation through the site can be a hassle.


Things I Liked

Had Email through Windows Live

Links to Networks like Google Chrome, Facebook, and twitter (although they can be distracting for students)


Safe and Secure from viruses

Privacy options

The amount of file storage (over 7 gb)

Recycling Bin

Things I did not Like

Weird navigation

It could be better organized

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thing 5

The articles were very informative for me because I was not aware of web 2.0 or School 2.0. Even so, now I know a bit more about School 2.0. I am all for it. Let's face it; technology has become so dominate in our lives that in some case, we rely on it too much. However, with the movement of School 2.0 we can turn this reliability into a tool educators can utilize. By doing this I believe learning and teach can soar to great heights. We will be able to do so much more outside of class to impact the community even more so than before. School 2.0 means to me a new step for completing learning with a generation of learners who utilizes technologies in everyday life. I see nothing wrong with utilizing technologies in the classroom because I know students enjoy and so do I. As I can imagine if School 2.0 becomes a success our future will be brighter. So let us embrace the future of our schools with School 2.0. 

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Thing #4

    For your Thing #4 post:

    Comment help create a sense of community by the use of giving feedback. Whether its negative of positive comment is a way for people on message boards, blogs, and social networks to interact with one another. Rowes say 90% of people on social network are reading and observing while only 1% are actually contributing to posting and responding. He says interacting and response are ways to help generate comment to one's blog, message board, and or social networks. It says the actually encouraging comment will likely get you more interaction as well. This is true because on my DA art account whenever I write "please comment" I receive more comment than I usually receive. However I personally believe if your subject and content of you blog is interesting, current, which is to say update frequently it will generate comment and much attention from users. 

    The seven blogs I visits

    I choose Alexis because she sits beside me and she often seems on top of things. She had progress through the 23 thing very fast she is already on thing #15. I told her I did some of the same things when creating my blog. Her blog name was clever I thought and I left her a comment about it.

    I selected Wendy because at the time we were both on the same thing. I thought i would be beneficial to read her post since she was on my level. I comment on her 2 thing. She had a hard time setting up her avatar just like me.  I told her that I have a hard time using the Mac computers in general but I believe we will all learn how to manage and navigate through blog and the technologies we need to to pass the course and be successes.

    I selected Danielle, because I sit next beside her in class and she is always helping me out. I was interesting to see her progress in her 23 things. We had the same ideas for  making a calender for Thing #3. However she said that her blog would also be used a template for discussion questions for the student. I told her that was a great idea.

     I choose Jordan because she was far along then most of our group at the time. I thought I read up on some of her post to see what lied ahead of me. I agreed that her calendar idea was like mines and that I thought her ideas to make a photo calender was a nice suggestion to go along with calender to let other see what is taking place on the calendar dates.

    I selected Jordan because when i was browsing through or class's group i notice her had a lot of picture of her family. These picture seemed intimate and i want to know more the people in the pictures. On Marianne's Blog Commented on the story she shared about her daughter Zoey. I told I was glade she shared such a personal story with me. It was a truly moving story and sounded a great testimony of a believer. She and her family are so strong to go through that.

    I selected her because she was in the first group and it was out of random. However she had a great idea in her Thing # 8 post which I agreed was a great idea to bring creativity into a classroom.

    I selected her because she was in the first group and it was out of random. Although, she had interesting ideas to use YouTube in the classroom. I agreed with her and said YouTube is used so much in instruction today. the are millions of videos and a lot of them are documentaries.

    Thing 3

    After viewing the Ebublong Insights by Anne Davis, I have decided I would use a blog to keep records of classroom activities, students overall behavior and conduct throughout the 6 weeks. I also probably use it as a calender to keep up with school event, students birthdays, and holidays. All these thing things would help parent see what goes own in the classroom and also lets them learn about events and things happening or coming up at the school.

    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    Thing 2

    When creating this blog there was not many difficult challenges for me. In high school our stem academy club create many blogs to keep the students and faculty updated on the clubs' activities. Though even then, we did not do manage the blog by ourselves because we had each other. However, the tools here on Blogger such as the gadgets are far more advanced than the ones I have ever used. The tools along with the step-by-step guide were very helpful for me. By the way I was not familiar with any of the terms like HTML code and URLs so, it did take me some time creating my avatar and posting it in the Gadget section. Being an Art Ed major, I will not make many blogs, but I do enjoy reading and creating them. Even if my profession does not require it, I am sure this will not be the last blog I will create in my life! Unlike the one I did in High School, this blog has to be professional or at least legit. I want it to have a lot of information to help me in the long run. I also want this blog to reflect myself that is why I tried my best to have the avatar resemble me and included addition information about myself along the side.

    Thing 1

    The life-long learning habits were informative, because I never thought of any of the thing as habit but thing great learner and teachers do. I would say the habits that the easiest and hardest for me it are having confidence in myself and making a problem a challenge. When face with fears, anxieties, and hiccups in life I always have faith in me. Believing in once self is can set up learner to accomplished many things, so it is imperative for success. I believe and have confidence that one day I will be a wonderful art teacher! Although, the habit of viewing a problem as a challenge is something that just is not relatable for me. When I think of a challenge I associate that with competition or test you prepare for never a problem. I always viewed problem as being nuisances which hinder one inexpertly. Even so, when faced with a problem I will always have that habit of having confidence.
    When setting up my blog I learned a lot of three things. The first thing I learned was how to create a blog by myself. Although I had create blogs in high school, I never had such input into the design and function of the blog in the extend I had when creating this blog. Second, I learned a little about the gadgets and terminologies used that will definitely benefit me in the future with adding things to this blog. Lastly I learn how to operate my blog with creating new blogs and deleting them as well.