Monday, November 12, 2012

Thing 20 oops! Out of order now

I choose the youtube video Modern Masters: Henri Matisse - Documentary - Modern Art, Artist because I recently did a unit on Henri Matisse. I think students especially young one like learning and doing Henri Matisse art activities. Even though, this video is long, one can play the Yotube  videos in segments. All one have to do is decide the time length one wants the video to play, and it will play at that time length. It simple as tying 2:00 and it will play from two minutes into the video. I think a teacher could til utilize it by playing it in a clip. During my observation in my Art Education 3040, my mentor teacher played videos from youtube all the time and even taught me how to put videos into PowerPoints. She told me that she did this because some of the Youtube searches can lead you to inappropriate content.

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