Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thing 15

This is actually my biggest hobby! I love wikis. I am an administrator for two wikias.(Bout to turn into a geek, but I do not care) I have been apart of Naruto.wikia. page for coming up on a year now. I While I find some of our wikia page more help than others some can be pointless. However, do like working on this wiki because I am an absolute Naruto fanatic. My job on this wiki is not that important, but I do have fun with it. I am an all-round editor there.  I consider the wiki I am apart of as the Sandboxes. I feel that wikia can be great for education or even for my case fun. As long as the interest is there, students can actively participate in contributing to wiki and wiki discussion. for educator they must step up if they want student to do wikis, because it may look like it is all fun and games but it is not. The have to be some to monitor students activity, and again it can become time consuming while both reward for students. While I would not particularly make an art wiki for students, because I imagine the interest level would not be as high, I think all the non-specials class called utilize them. Think of an interactive wiki for student where they can upload and edit their own pages for their favorite animal for science or countries for history. Like the apsu wiki, I think students would love and benefit in seeing what other students find and write about.

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