Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thing 6

For this post, I choose Windows Skydrive from the list of Web 2.0 Awards nominees list. This site is an internet file storage. I thought this was a great site because it allows people to access their files from any computer. No longer will they have to manage their files one single cpu.they users save their files are by uploading them from the computer they wish to do so. When you upload your files, Skydrive organizes the files based on the file type, name, date which helps keep them organized. Furthermore, if that not enough one can also separate file by creating a folder. When i made my account, I created eight new folder and named them for each of the standards from k-12 in art education. One can also see on the left hand-side, there is a menu that lists other options. One of the options that I thought was excellent was the recent file because it allows you to go back to the most-recent file you upload or was working on in Skydrive. You can also create groups and share files along with others in your group, which can be very hand for collaboration projects. I think Sykdrive would be a great website to you in a classroom or library. Instead of students saving information to emails and flash drives which often malfunction and creates viruses, they can use Skydrive free. Still I would probably only limit this to students in middle school beyond because of some of the navigation through the site can be a hassle.


Things I Liked

Had Email through Windows Live

Links to Networks like Google Chrome, Facebook, and twitter (although they can be distracting for students)


Safe and Secure from viruses

Privacy options

The amount of file storage (over 7 gb)

Recycling Bin

Things I did not Like

Weird navigation

It could be better organized

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thing 5

The articles were very informative for me because I was not aware of web 2.0 or School 2.0. Even so, now I know a bit more about School 2.0. I am all for it. Let's face it; technology has become so dominate in our lives that in some case, we rely on it too much. However, with the movement of School 2.0 we can turn this reliability into a tool educators can utilize. By doing this I believe learning and teach can soar to great heights. We will be able to do so much more outside of class to impact the community even more so than before. School 2.0 means to me a new step for completing learning with a generation of learners who utilizes technologies in everyday life. I see nothing wrong with utilizing technologies in the classroom because I know students enjoy and so do I. As I can imagine if School 2.0 becomes a success our future will be brighter. So let us embrace the future of our schools with School 2.0. 

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Thing #4

    For your Thing #4 post:

    Comment help create a sense of community by the use of giving feedback. Whether its negative of positive comment is a way for people on message boards, blogs, and social networks to interact with one another. Rowes say 90% of people on social network are reading and observing while only 1% are actually contributing to posting and responding. He says interacting and response are ways to help generate comment to one's blog, message board, and or social networks. It says the actually encouraging comment will likely get you more interaction as well. This is true because on my DA art account whenever I write "please comment" I receive more comment than I usually receive. However I personally believe if your subject and content of you blog is interesting, current, which is to say update frequently it will generate comment and much attention from users. 

    The seven blogs I visits

    I choose Alexis because she sits beside me and she often seems on top of things. She had progress through the 23 thing very fast she is already on thing #15. I told her I did some of the same things when creating my blog. Her blog name was clever I thought and I left her a comment about it.

    I selected Wendy because at the time we were both on the same thing. I thought i would be beneficial to read her post since she was on my level. I comment on her 2 thing. She had a hard time setting up her avatar just like me.  I told her that I have a hard time using the Mac computers in general but I believe we will all learn how to manage and navigate through blog and the technologies we need to to pass the course and be successes.

    I selected Danielle, because I sit next beside her in class and she is always helping me out. I was interesting to see her progress in her 23 things. We had the same ideas for  making a calender for Thing #3. However she said that her blog would also be used a template for discussion questions for the student. I told her that was a great idea.

     I choose Jordan because she was far along then most of our group at the time. I thought I read up on some of her post to see what lied ahead of me. I agreed that her calendar idea was like mines and that I thought her ideas to make a photo calender was a nice suggestion to go along with calender to let other see what is taking place on the calendar dates.

    I selected Jordan because when i was browsing through or class's group i notice her had a lot of picture of her family. These picture seemed intimate and i want to know more the people in the pictures. On Marianne's Blog Commented on the story she shared about her daughter Zoey. I told I was glade she shared such a personal story with me. It was a truly moving story and sounded a great testimony of a believer. She and her family are so strong to go through that.

    I selected her because she was in the first group and it was out of random. However she had a great idea in her Thing # 8 post which I agreed was a great idea to bring creativity into a classroom.

    I selected her because she was in the first group and it was out of random. Although, she had interesting ideas to use YouTube in the classroom. I agreed with her and said YouTube is used so much in instruction today. the are millions of videos and a lot of them are documentaries.

    Thing 3

    After viewing the Ebublong Insights by Anne Davis, I have decided I would use a blog to keep records of classroom activities, students overall behavior and conduct throughout the 6 weeks. I also probably use it as a calender to keep up with school event, students birthdays, and holidays. All these thing things would help parent see what goes own in the classroom and also lets them learn about events and things happening or coming up at the school.

    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    Thing 2

    When creating this blog there was not many difficult challenges for me. In high school our stem academy club create many blogs to keep the students and faculty updated on the clubs' activities. Though even then, we did not do manage the blog by ourselves because we had each other. However, the tools here on Blogger such as the gadgets are far more advanced than the ones I have ever used. The tools along with the step-by-step guide were very helpful for me. By the way I was not familiar with any of the terms like HTML code and URLs so, it did take me some time creating my avatar and posting it in the Gadget section. Being an Art Ed major, I will not make many blogs, but I do enjoy reading and creating them. Even if my profession does not require it, I am sure this will not be the last blog I will create in my life! Unlike the one I did in High School, this blog has to be professional or at least legit. I want it to have a lot of information to help me in the long run. I also want this blog to reflect myself that is why I tried my best to have the avatar resemble me and included addition information about myself along the side.

    Thing 1

    The life-long learning habits were informative, because I never thought of any of the thing as habit but thing great learner and teachers do. I would say the habits that the easiest and hardest for me it are having confidence in myself and making a problem a challenge. When face with fears, anxieties, and hiccups in life I always have faith in me. Believing in once self is can set up learner to accomplished many things, so it is imperative for success. I believe and have confidence that one day I will be a wonderful art teacher! Although, the habit of viewing a problem as a challenge is something that just is not relatable for me. When I think of a challenge I associate that with competition or test you prepare for never a problem. I always viewed problem as being nuisances which hinder one inexpertly. Even so, when faced with a problem I will always have that habit of having confidence.
    When setting up my blog I learned a lot of three things. The first thing I learned was how to create a blog by myself. Although I had create blogs in high school, I never had such input into the design and function of the blog in the extend I had when creating this blog. Second, I learned a little about the gadgets and terminologies used that will definitely benefit me in the future with adding things to this blog. Lastly I learn how to operate my blog with creating new blogs and deleting them as well.